Where it All Started.

When I was about 16 I discovered a book on using an air brush to create artwork, ever since then I have always been fascinated with the medium but it wasn't until 2012, some 20 years later, that I deiced to do something about it.  After a lot of research I found a course that would allow me to learn the finer details of airbrushing within a class room environment.  The course is with Airbrush Venturi it is held over a normal school term about 7 weeks with a class once a week, I was able to fit it into my work schedule and that was the first step.
After that, I have been learning and being challenged to produce more and more with an airbrush than I thought possible.  I had been posting my adventure on Facebook, but I found that it didn't give me enough creativity nor was it a good enough platform to really show off what I had been learning or experiencing on this adventure, so this blog was born.